About PareAuBella

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PARE [pɛər] (v.): to cut, remove outer layer

AU [oh](n.): The chemical symbol for gold

[bel-uh ](adj.): Latin for beautiful

PareAuBella is unique, and I wanted the name to be the first indication and representation of what my intentions are in the aesthetics world.  I have no desire to change my patients into society’s standard of beauty. I want PareAuBella to be the place clients feel safe coming to enhance whatever it is they want and to make changes & improvements that are meaningful to them. PareAuBella will help clients pare that outer layer & find whatever is their golden beauty.

I want clients to know PareAuBella is the place they go to receive unique and personalized Aesthetic services and care.  I want every client to know it's about them & what's their desires.

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About - Healthful X Webflow Template

PareAuBella is built on the foundatino of 15+ years of experience in the Aesthetics industry.

With over 15 years experience as a liceseed Esthetican, I wanted to cultivate my passion as an Aesthetican. So, I then attained my bachelor degree in nursing then my Master’s in Nursing. I am a Certified Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner.

Explore PareAuBella's Wide Range of Products & Services

PareAuBella offeres a range of products and services to help you discover the best version of yourself.

All our products are safe and science-backed

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  • Science-backed product research
  • 8 scientific staff behind our product research
  • Collaborated to 10 scientific papers
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Our values

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Passion & Love

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Wellbeing - Healthful X Webflow Template


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Impactful - Healthful X Webflow Template


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